A fencing supplies company in Dunmow is desperately seeking new premises, but is struggling to find a suitable site.

Dunmow Fencing Supplies, which is based in Foxton's Yard, Stortford Road, has been told they need to find a new site by 2025 - with the deadline rapidly approaching.

Lindsay Robson, of Dunmow Fencing Supplies, said: "Our landlady is hoping she has sold the site to Lidl.

"I really hope for Dunmow’s sake that they get Lidl here.

"I think it’s in everybody’s interests that Lidl get their planning permission – which is likely to leave us up a gum tree.

"We have been absolutely unable to find another site. All the places that we looked at have been no-no’s for all sorts of reasons.

"Landlords are wanting residential housing.

"There’s no part of the Uttlesford plan for smaller businesses like us employing local people to move to.

"We think if Lidl goes ahead they are probably going to want us out immediately."

As a smaller business, Dunmow Fencing Supplies cannot afford to pay a lot of money for a site, and find that the majority of farmers prefer to sell land for use as residential homes.

The company has made a pre-application submission to Uttlesford District Council, in the hope of finding a suitable site.

They are also keen to hear from any landowners with space available, including room for articulated lorries.

Lindsay added: "I don’t blame the farmers for holding out for residential homes.

"Uttlesford should keep pockets of land that they own for smaller businesses. We keep the economy going.

"Can anybody help?"

A spokesperson for Uttlesford District Council said: "We are committed to supporting local businesses but unfortunately we do not have plots of land available for commercial use.


"Dunmow Fencing Supplies has been referred to support agencies for general business advice. 

"Our planning officers are also available to provide advice on specific proposals and they can give a view on whether a proposal would likely gain planning approval. 

"We can confirm a pre-application submission has been received in this case and the company will be contacted in due course."