Essex police officers have released a picture of a man they would like to speak to, following a burglary in Manor Street, Braintree.

They are hoping that someone will recognise him from the image.

The appeal was launched today (January 27). The burglary took place between 6pm and 6.40pm on Thursday, December 2.

A spokesman said: "We appreciate this is not the best quality image but if you think you may recognise him, please get in touch.

"Additionally, we need anyone who may have information or any CCTV, dash cam, or doorbell footage to please contact us."

Submit a report online at or use the 'Live Chat' button to speak to an online operator between 7am and 11pm. Please quote the crime reference number 42/280638/21.

You can also call police on 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.